1 day
3 stages
30 speakers
350 attendees
SaaS Movement is a conference packed with content on how to launch global SaaS projects from central Europe. Skilled european SaaS builders from Kiwi, ChartMogul or Shoptet will meet in September in Brno, Czechia. This time we are gonna bring even more insightful SaaS content focused on marketing, product and sales.
What to expect?
Take a look at last year
Last year Michal Pastier from Exponea rocked the stage along with guys (and girls!) from Avast, CDN77 or ROI Hunter. Amazing speakers shared the best know-how the central European SaaS scene has to offer. You can watch last year’s presentations by the way.
European SaaS builders meet in Brno
We have put together a list of the best SaaS entrepreneurs Czechia and Slovakia has to offer. But this year we went even further and confirmed foreign speakers who work in some of the fastest growing European SaaS companies. Lot of them will fly in to Brno just for SaaS Movement.

Apiary - founder story od založení po exit
Jakub nám řekne jak vybudoval startup Apiary, na který získal celkem $10M v investicích od globálních investorů a prodal ho společnosti Oracle v jednom z nejslavnějších českých exitů. Zároveň odhalí jak se nyní snaží zlepšit českou státní správu pomocí jedniček a nul (čti digitalizace) v rámci jeho iniciativy Česko.digital.
Jakub Nesetril, founder (ex-Apiary)

Product Discovery: Focus on the problem, not the solution
Rookie product managers all make the same mistake. They focus on feature requests and solution ideas – not users’ underlying needs. But it’s not their fault. For far too long, product managers have been stuck with tools geared toward managing the delivery of solutions. Martin will talk about how they run the product discovery process at Productboard to make sure they deliver only the solutions that address users’ needs. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about working at the hottest startup on the Czech scene.
Martin Felcman, Product Manager

How to build and scale an innovative SaaS product
Pipedrive has 220 people in R&D split into 8 major teams. Tomas is running the one in Prague and will share how their organisation structure and very open and autonomous culture enables effective product management decisions and execution. He is going to provide insights on scaling development of a SaaS product based on his extensive experience from Skype, Microsoft and, of course, Pipedrive.
Tomas Rehor, Engineering Lead of Prague office

Challenges of scaling from 1 salesperson to a global sales team
Vojtech, back then first customer-facing role at Kentico Cloud will share his lessons learned from Kentico’s internal journey from traditional on-prem solution selling to modern innovative SaaS. What were the biggest challenges of scaling from 1 customer-facing role to a global sales team at Kentico?
Vojtech Boril, Product Growth Manager

Common mistakes when building SaaS sales teams & fixes
Zuzana has exited from GetApp/Gartner (NYSE:IT) in 2018, set up a bizdev & sales consultancy - Salesmic - and recently embarked on a new journey with TravelSuit. She'll come to speak about the most common mistakes she sees SaaS companies make when building their first sales teams or addressing performance issues with later stage teams. She'll share tips for mitigating and preventing the common mistakes.
Zuzana Kudelova, CRO at TravelSuit

The rise and (my) fall in product at LMC
Dave will look back on his past 8 years as business owner & product manager in LMC (mobile, Prace.cz & Prace za Rohem) and the positive transformations the product department has gone through. He'll share what is there to learn but maybe more importantly what fuck-ups he thinks can be avoided in your growing product organization by applying a no-nonsense and stripped down attitude to product management.
Dave Ruzius, Business owner & product manager (ex-LMC)

A useful no-BS marketing framework for early stage companies
One thing that doesn’t hold you back in startup marketing is the lack of options for models, frameworks, and opinions on what to spend your time on. And so many spread themselves too thin between too many channels and experiments. Based on marketing lessons from Pipedrive, Skype, Bolt, Outfunnel and other companies, Andrus will offer a tried-and-tested framework for startups to pick their battles and maximize chances of success.
Andrus Purde, CEO at Outfunnel (ex-Head of Marketing, Pipedrive)

How Algolia got from zero to 300 employees in 5 years
Adam is leading a team of 13 people making sure Algolia's complex infrastructure runs as smooth as possible. Flying in all the way from Paris, he will talk about meteoric rise of Algolia as one of the hottest startups in Europe with VC investments reaching $74M. Adam started there as employee no. 8. In second part of his presentation, he will say a few words about how his team is managing infrastructure, network and security in Agolia.
Adam Surak, Director of Infrastructure

Exponea journey and its transformation as it continues to grow
Peter will pick up where Michal Pastier left off last year and talk about how Exponea grew from 100 to 300+ employees. He will reveal new challenges they are tackling to sustain their fast growth. From revamping product, sales and marketing to becoming a data-driven company. Peter will also share his learning how is Exponea creating customer love through training.
Peter Jakus, Head of Exponea Academy & Analytics consultant

Jak děláme komunitní marketing v Shoptetu, aneb cesta do Mordoru a zase zpátky
Však je toho plný internet. Customer focus design, influence marketing, ambasadoři značky a další termíny, které popisují jen to, že firma se má starat o své zákazníky. Podíváme se na to, jak se o ně staráme v Shoptetu.
Radek Hudák, CMO

How to prioritize development when working on a new product
Martin is a product manager responsible for protection products in Avast. He currently works on a new hardware/software product which is going to be launched in the summer of 2019. 50+ people at Avast works on this project for more than 12 months. Martin will share how they gather user feedback, prioritize features on the product roadmap, how they coordinate across teams on such a large scale project and how funny is to sell hardware.
Martin Zima, Senior product manager

Does your company have a Data strategy? Why you should have one and how to start to build one
Data are all around, being labeled as the new oil, gold, money, unicorns… Can data be productised? How to approach working with data from a product perspective? What are the biggest challenges when being data driven and how has it changed in the past 10 years, based on Michael’s experience from GoodData, AVG and Kiwi.com? You will get an idea of what a data strategy means, why you need one and how to start building one.
Michael Stencl, Head of BI

Cílení SaaS produktu v Google Display Network
Cílovka pro SaaS produkty často bývá relativně specifická a skrze Google display bývá těžké ji správně zacílit a neutopit při tom hromady peněz. Ukážeme si, které typy cílení pro SaaS dávají největší smysl a Verča prozradí i pár "hacků", které možná vás nebo vaši PPC agenturu nenapadly.
Veronika Šišková, Sales & Marketing Director, PPC specialist

Co nás naučil přechod na "Fakturoid 2.0"
Lukáš vybudoval jednu z nejoblíbenějších fakturačních aplikací pro živnostníky v Česku. Fakturoid je love brand a se svým týmem o pouhých 8 lidech ztělesněním skutečného lean startupu. Lukáš se podělí o jeho zkušenosti s přechodem na “Fakturoid 2.0”. Z pohledu zákazníka bezproblémový produktový update zaměstnal Fakturoidí tým na rok a půl. Lukáš odhalí, na čem se pracovalo a zda šlo vše podle plánu.
Lukáš Konarovský, Doer

How to build a customer success team in a SaaS startup
Ingmar is coming from Berlin to talk about customer success. He has built a customer success team from scratch in Chartmogul, an analytics platform for subscription business with $4M investment. Ingmar’s approach is having a cross-department customer success, where every team in the company is involved. He will also reveal details about Chartmogul’s recent transition to fully remote company, having 35 employees all over the globe.
Ingmar Zahorsky, VP of Customer Success

How to manage product development and remote teams
Celia is responsible for two product teams in Cleverbridge with 10 people in each one. She will reveal how she is using OKR methodology to run the teams, create product roadmaps and evaluate what features to develop. While she's based in Germany, one of her teams is located in Ukraine. So she will also share experience on managing a remote team and challenges she encountered while doing so.
Celia Curbelo, Product owner

Leverage your SEO potential
International SaaS projects allow you to boost your SEO with tactics that are often not possible to execute on smaller markets. On top of these, Michal will share a few not well-known tips and tricks which work great for SaaS and tech companies.
Michal Pecánek, Marketing Manager

How does ROI Hunter manage and prioritize product development
Pavel is an idea maker who is leading the development of the ROI Hunter platform and participating in strategic planning. He will share how is he managing a fast growing product team, currently with 30 members - what metrics do they track, how they prioritize development queue and more.
Pavel Šafařík, Product Leader, ROI Hunter

Acquisition strategy based on integration
Satismeter has earned up to 70% of US customers through integration and partnership building. Ondra will tell us how to get support for Intercom and Segment, and how to identify which integrations are good to focus on and how to prioritize them. He will also talk about their international lean team and what they are focusing on when creating the first global SaaS startup in Prague.
Ondra Sedlacek, CEO & cofounder

How to migrate infrastructure to AWS and don’t go broke
Ondra is in charge of product in Smartlook, managing an inhouse team of 12 developers and designers. Having previous experience from Silicon Valley, he migrated production infrastructure of Smartlook to AWS in 3 months. Ondra is going to reveal how he build a cloud-ready Smartlook backend - infrastructure costs went up only 30 % compared to managed server hosting - while significantly improving scalability, uptime and decreasing maintenance work.
Ondrej Machek, Product leader

Making no little plans while staying small
Martin will talk about how he got hired out of over 750 applicants and got a job at a fast-growing US startup Baremetrics ($800k VC funding). He will share how they get things done in 8 person team and all the learnings from a journey of helping companies grow their business using subscription analytics.
Martin Rariga, Lead Product Designer

How to acquire, qualify and convert high-quality leads for your SaaS with Engineered Marketing
Ricardo will walk you through a unique approach and case study on how they have implemented side project marketing to acquire, qualify and convert high-quality leads in a processed way (and how you can do the same).
Ricardo Ghekiere, Founder

Optimizing the Checkout Funnel for a Global Audience
Tomas will share Avast’s approach to the checkout funnel (i.e. payment collection process) and how it evolved to a current state. From a simple web cart to an API-based flow built-in the application and using 1-click purchase capabilities. The session will include Avast best practices, tips, and learnings collected over many years of A/B testing.
Tomas Janu, Director of E-commerce & Localization

What have we learned from going from $0 to $100k MRR
The biggest takeaways from our 31 month journey from zero to $100k MRR. Is it necessary to be Agile? Which opportunities have I missed? What did we hack and how to ignite growth.
Lukas Mehnert, CMO

Cesta k růstu - funkční akvizice a práce s uživateli
Jak se nám pomocí promyšlené akvizice podařilo získat více než 2 mil. uživatelů po celém světě? Nahlédneme pod pokličku tomu, jak v Surviu plánujeme a optimalizujeme akviziční kanály. Zmínka padne jak o PPC, tak o blogu a knowledge base. Představíme i to, jak využíváme princip person. Třešničkou na dortu navíc je, že tohle všechno zvládáme v 17 jazycích.
Martin Souček, CMO

How to increase your productivity when building high-growth startup
Ondrej has joined Time is ltd., where he works with Jan Rezab and Cyril Höschl to help companies increase productivity and eliminate unnecessary meetings. He will share how they are using data from Office 365, G Suite or Slack to do just that. Even though they target large companies, they eat their own dog food and focus on improving their own productivity inside the team too. Ondrej will share micro-level tips on how you can improve your personal productivity, eliminate irrelevant meetings or activity to get shit done in a small startup. He will also sprinkle a few pieces of insight about Berlin startup scene, where he has been living and working as a CTO for several years before the startup got acquired in 2017.
Ondrej Kuchta, Tech / Product builder

How to boost your sales with effective demo calls
Juraj will share how he grew Kontentino customer base via pure sales. He is going to reveal how to do demo calls with 45 % close rate and how did they land customers as Asahi, Škoda Auto, IKEA, Huawei or BBDO through hard work in sales. Juraj is actually coming to Brno all the way from California, where he recently relocated from Slovakia to do global sales for Kontentino.
Juraj Zamborský, Head of Sales

Sales Automation
All startups are starved for resources. There’s so much work to do and not enough people to do it. Engineering has all kinds of automation tools: continuous integration, automated tests, etc. But what about sales? How can sales people increase productivity with automation? Vincent will share how he set up sales automation at ContentKing.
Vincent van Scherpenseel

Jak jsme si pohrávali s global sales - co u nás zafungovalo a co ne
Tomáš bude vyprávět o tom, jak v Rossum budovali global sales team. Řekne nám, jak překopali svůj tradiční podnikový přístup k prodeji pomocí strategie inbound-only a s počátečními dealy ve výši $10k až $20k ACV. Tomáš nám taky ukáže, jak postupují při sestavování předvídatelného sales funnelu, na němž pracují marketingový a sales tým zároveň.
Tomas Gogar, CEO & cofounder

RAYNETí onboarding: Proč investujeme půlku marketingových kapacit do edukace uživatelů
Osobní komunikace je v B2B důležitá, ale zároveň si bere velké množství času i peněz. Ukážeme, jak jsme produkovali náš onboardingový videoseriál, který osobní konzultaci nahrazuje. Podělíme se i o hokusy pokusy v obchodě -> jak nám zafungovaly akviziční videozdravice a nasdílíme, jak nám pomáhá otevřenost a vhodně nastavené odměňování lidí v týmu.
Václav Prak, Marketing Manager

Nastavte si vaši značku: Minimum Viable Brand
Co o sobě máte říkat? Jak se vlastně lišíte od konkurence? Co dělat, když jste na trhu, kde je těžké se odlišit fukcemi produktu? Provedeme vás procesem, jak si můžete sami nastavit základní kameny vaší značky.
Lukas Krcil a Martin Zdražil, cofounders

Praktické využití eye trackingu v neuromarketingu
Jak se vyvinula technologie sledování pohybu zraku do dnešní podoby? Jaké jsou její možnosti využití v oblasti consumer neuroscience či neuromarketingu? Stanislav Mokrý z eye-trackingové laboratoře ETLab na PEF MENDELU nám o tom povypráví a přiblíží detaily na reálných příkladech z praxe. Zpřístupní pro nás také eye-trackingovou laboratoř, kterou můžeme během konference kdykoliv přijít prozkoumat.
Stanislav Mokrý, Mendelova Univerzita

Panelová diskuze : Jak a na čem stavět SaaSovou server infrastrukturu
Techničtí experti z firem Kentico (MS Azure), Smartlook (AWS), Algolia (self-hosted hardware) a Mews (MS Azure) se budou bavit o tom, jak spravují jejich server infrastrukturu a co ovlivňovalo jejich rozhodnutí pro výběr konkrétní, nebo žádné, cloud platformy.
Kentico, Smartlook, Algolia, Mews